President Message

Dear Friends,

Greetings from SIGAPPU.

On behalf of the SIGAPPU Core Committee and as President of the unit, I welcome you to our online community!

We are very glad in bringing up this unique website for SIGAPPU which will be the common platform for all our past pupils across the world.

Our main aim is to preserve a mutually beneficial, enduring relationship among past pupils and with our institution - SIGA. As your representatives, we are constantly seeking meaningful ways to unite our efforts and embrace your needs in the name of our great institute.


I take this opportunity to urge you to become an active member of this past pupil association and render your utmost support to upgrade SIGA for the next generation students. There are variety of ways you can show appreciation and play a part in SIGA & SIGAPPU. This includes attending events, cheering the students, staying connected with other past pupils and of course, offering your time, etc.

With this unique website, you can get involved with SIGA & SIGAPPU, read about inspiring updates and accomplishments, find out about upcoming activities, learn about on-campus events and much more.

Wherever you are, at whatever stage of life you are in, there's something here for you. Our Core Committee and I encourage you to share and use this site as one way to engage with SIGAPPU and maintain your personal connection with our institution.

We are excited about the direction and future of SIGAPPU and look forward to serving and sharing information with you, throughout the year. Please choose to support the Alumni Association.


CN Santhosh Kumar